Women Should Vote for Sex Attacker Trump Because…

Will Black
3 min readJul 27, 2024
Donald Ttump hanging out with his old friend, notorious child abuser and paedophile ring leader Jeffrey Epstein

Over decades, powerful property tycoon and TV star Donald ‘grab them by the pussy’ Trump, has been accused of multiple sexual offences by dozens of women.

The US legal system is often the enemy of justice, because money counts more than anything. As a result, rich offenders can bury criminal charges through a number of means. These include paying compensation to victims via civil law mechanisms, to avoid criminal trials, and using expensive lawyers to delay proceedings.

This latter reality, coupled with the fact that, in most states, there are statutes of limitation for sexual assault of between three and ten years, means many women and girls never see justice done.

This reality makes agreeing to civil settlements more likely, even though sex attackers not being recognised as such by criminal courts is clearly nauseating for both victims and society. It also creates particular dangers when men who buy their way out of rape and abuse charges have children.

With his current level of cognitive dysfunction, it might be hard to imagine that Donald Trump was ever sharp enough to consistently exploit the law, the way he has people. But it’s important to remember that sexual offence allegations against Trump span decades, to at least the 1970s, when the rich, young Vietnam War draft-dodging…



Will Black

Will is an anthropologist, journalist and former clinician. He is the author or Veneer of Civilisation, Psychopathic Cultures and Beyond the End of the World