Member-only story
Serving a Grubby Establishment Makes Police Hired Thugs in Uniform
The police harassing, attacking and arresting critics of the monarchy highlights gaping holes in our democracy and justice system.
If some oddballs (who are deluded enough to believe they have special blood) and peddlers of faded fairy tales want to play dress-up — and include disgraced ‘Prince’ Andrew in the cosplay nonsense — other people have the right to do their thing too. Even if that thing is protest against the dated — to the point of rotten — notion of royalty.
The police will take any opportunity they get to accost, attack, arrest and generally pester anyone who doesn’t adhere to their old-fashioned authoritarian mindset — which is the basis of the thuggery, racism and misogyny ‘the force’ has a significant problem with. And the Tories (a greedy and authoritarian subculture masquerading as libertarian) benefit from giving them those opportunities — the way attack dogs are thrown raw meat.
From miners’ strikes (which police attempted to cull with violence) to the ‘battle’ of the beanfield (where police attacked traveller families heading to Stonehenge — and destroyed footage of the brutality), to the attempt to crush the poll tax protests (which brought down Thatcher) to attacking the…