Let’s Tramp the Tory Party into the Dirt

Will Black
3 min readJun 26, 2024
AI generated image of a woman dancing on the grave of the Tory Party

There’s a great, vitriolic Elvis Costello song about former Tory leader Margaret Thatcher, called Tramp the Dirt Down. It’s very relevant to our era.

The song was released in 1989, a decade into the reign of sadistic Thatcher, who imposed a cruel, experimental neoliberalism on Britain, which tore communities apart and left many people destitute. Elvis had started performing the song a couple of years before releasing it.

In the song, Costello says he’d like to live long enough to savour the moment when "they finally put you in the ground" and he’ll "stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down".

The 'iron lady' ultimately died in 2013, three years into another Tory period in power, which has killed hundreds of thousands through swingeing austerity, and many more through pandemic mismanagement.

The changing face of eternal cruelty

The era from 2010 has seen multiple increasingly inept Tory leaders assume 'control' of the party and UK. The fact that they’ve changed faces more often than Doctor Who doesn’t get them out of accusations against them. They are ALL complicit in mismanaging the economy, undermining OUR health service and peddling far-right narratives, while trashing the public services WE fund.



Will Black

Will is an anthropologist, journalist and former clinician. He is the author or Veneer of Civilisation, Psychopathic Cultures and Beyond the End of the World