Inept Authoritarianism is STILL Authoritarianism
Over the past decade or so we’ve seen a resurgence of far-right mobs on the streets in the UK, US and other countries. In the UK most have been pathetic sights — often out of shape ageing football (‘soccer’) hooligans following some manipulative mouthy thug, who could impress them with their relative lucidity.
Smashed windows, objects thrown at police, intimidated shoppers and unpleasant scenes of inarticulate, racist impotence-made-flesh, in stretched union jack t-shirts and straining football tops was the sort of spectacle witnessed.
In the USA things are a bit different, because any idiot can own a gun. So things there often seem more charged during marches, which can create that unnerving impending civil war vibe. Far-right terrorists in the US have also managed to kill many more in their sprees than here in the UK, where fascist murderers and wannabes have been stopped more quickly.
Though these fascists have taken lives, they occupy the clown car of the wider far-right circus. It is the ring masters and those unseen figures backing the fascist circus we must worry about more. And try our hardest to tackle.
In the US Donald Trump is facing multiple criminal cases, including charges of attempting to subvert democracy and nullify the votes of the population. It should by now be…